
The Marsha-Kelley Sutton Foundation

Serving future global leaders

The Marsha Kelley Sutton Foundation has assisted scholars for the past eight years who have come full circle. Some scholars have graduated and are presently in their chosen career field and others are progressing in graduate or professional school. We invite you to join us in celebrating their achievements!



MKS Foundation’s vision is to assist in preparing young adults to become successful with marketable skills and knowledge.


The mission of the MKS Foundation is to assist students from urban and rural areas as they strive to succeed in educational institutions.


The MKS Foundation Experience has impacted the lives of thousands of young adults attending high schools, colleges, and universities across the US.


Our Purpose

MKS Foundation is dedicated to the progression of society through support initiatives designed to assist future global leaders.


"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

— Benjamin Franklin